I remember being in my grandma's kitchen in the evening. I wanted a snack and she made me a Hole in the Wall, and then another, and then another. Ever since I have been old enough to make them myself, they have been a "go-to" dish. My husband is so glad he has been introduced to this delicacy, and most people haven't had one unless their own grandmothers have made them for them, which is a shame. I have taken it upon myself to educate and enlighten my friends and family to this great tradition. With minimal effort, this dish always tends to hit the spot.
For Starters:

Good bread, eggs, butter and salt. (who doesn't have these laying around?)
So, you butter the bread on both sides...

Then, heat a frying pan on medium heat and while the pan is heating up, cut a hole out of the middle of the bread with whatever you feel like, I use a spoon. At this point, my grandma would let us eat the holes, but you can save them and toast them in the pan.

Put the bread in a heated pan and let it toast for a few seconds, then crack an egg into the center of the bread. Let it cook for a couple more seconds. I like to stab the yolk in the center, but to each his own.

This is the secret trick for my Hole in the Walls. Before the egg has completely cooked on the underside, flip the bread up just a little so that the egg gets on the bread underneath and spreads out a little, but not too much. Make sure it doesn't ooze past the crust of the bread. You want to keep the whole egg under the bread. Once it looks sufficiently toasted underneath, give it a flip!

Push down on the bread with the spatula, this will ensure that it gets all nice and toasty. While it is toasting up, be sure to salt, salt, and salt it up. This is what makes it especially midnight snackable.

And there it is ladies and gentleman

Yummy til the (regretfully) last bite!
1 comment:
mmmm yummy. i am going to have to make these immediately!
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